Jumat, 05 Februari 2010


Prof. dr. Hadiwaluyo M.Pd (Pendiri yayasan Baby smile Indonesia)

Motor motion is smooth movement involving smooth muscles in the hand and fingers are coordinated with the vision. In infants, the development of fine motor must always be monitored and stimulated. Parents should never be complacent in monitoring the baby's fine motor development. Here is a fine motor development in infants from month to month:

1. Age 1 Month: almost all the time your baby's first months fist.

2. 2 months of age: can menggemgam toys when placed by us in the palm of his hand.

3. Age 3 months: trying to get ahead, either on an object or trying to grab your face.

4. Age 4 months: mengoyangkan holding and sound toys, your baby can play with that toy. Start your baby likes to notice her little fingers.

5. Age 5 months: use both hands, both to achieve it or menggemgam toys.

6. Age 6 months: move toys from one hand to another. Little can also banging his toys to the table or a surface.

7. Ages 7 to 12 months:
* Using the hands and fingers to pick up small objects.
* Bangs two objects.
* Moving objects from one hand to another.
* Poking or gouging by using his index finger.
* Pointing to a direction with his forefinger.
* Dealing with their toy in a new way: push, play, poke, or tear.
* Dropping the object into a container and see it.
* Capture and re-enter the toy or object into the recesses.

By paying attention to motor development, infant development we will be expected to be maximal even before the age of development.
It seems that I can convey, hopefully posts about fine motor development is useful to you and your baby. Thank you for your time. greetings health.

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